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Inked [From the CIA 1] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

  From the CIA 1


  Guns and sex make Mary go round…

  CIA agent Mary Reiss whirls with anxiety as she’s teamed with the man of her nightmares. She doesn’t need a man. She only needs her job. CIA agent Cal Guevin nearly got her killed, and she doesn’t want that option repeated.

  Cal remembers the gunshot. He remembers the burning kiss. They were both perfect. The shot was meant to kill, yet he interfered and Mary lived. The kiss…the kiss left them to hide behind their badges until now. Apprehension builds as he needs to trust himself to save Mary again.

  Agents Guevin and Reiss lead an operation in Cairo to infiltrate terrorists. The imminent danger reignites their fiery past, yet they have difficulty understanding each other’s idea of romance as they attempt to outmaneuver the deadly terrorists and double agents. With their identities leaked, they debate who to trust. Should they trust each other? Can they?

  Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 63,636 words


  From the CIA 1

  Dawn Kunda


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  IMPRINT: Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Dawn Kunda

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-064-9

  First E-book Publication: January 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.



  For my husband, a survivor.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  About the Author


  From the CIA 1


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  “Rebellious, uncooperative, and a damn good candidate.”

  “Yes, sir.” Agent Mary Reiss didn’t flinch at the accusations. That was the persona she’d built, and she determinedly lived up to it.

  “I need you in Cairo.” The matter-of-fact tone of her superior didn’t tell her anything new. Operations Officer Vic Grant squared his shoulders and added, “Guevin is going to be with you.”

  Mary froze her reaction. Not Cal. Put her life in his hands? Her arm had healed, but her heart had been left with a perpetual bruise. “Sir?”

  “Agent Guevin knows Cairo and he could be mistaken for a Middle Easterner with his dark complexion and hair. He’s taller than the average, but that can happen in any country. You need a male to get you in the Hidden House and you know it.”

  The excuses rumbled through her mind, yet she didn’t stand a chance against a superior officer’s orders. “I can do the Hidden House, but Agent Guevin’s schedule is tipped over full already. What about Agent—”

  “I’ve already informed Guevin that you both leave tomorrow.” Officer Grant slapped his folder shut. His stare dared her to raise another objection. “Your paperwork is ready to go.”

  “What kind of paperwork are you suggesting?” Mary knew what it meant. She’d get an update on the lifestyles of the armed and dangerous, her name would be secured, she’d have an alias and a backup, and she’d be in harm’s way once again. As she stalled her required acceptance of the assignment, she squirmed, knowing who her backup would be.

  “You have a meeting in about an hour with Guevin. He’s been briefed and will fill you in on the itinerary.” Itinerary? That made it sound like a vacation. Mary knew better.

  * * * *

  “Good to see you again, Agent Reiss.”

  Agent Guevin, Cal, stood near a wooden table where a pile of documents waited. Mary barely noted the information stack. She commanded herself not to examine his faded, perfect-fitting jeans brushing the edge of the papers as he shifted his stance. Why did he have to be so damn good looking? And smart.

  She stared him down. “Agent Guevin.” Mary cursed inwardly for wearing the knit top that accented her brandy-colored eyes. It’s all about the case, not a man and woman depending on each other for their survival in a hostile environment they choose to enter. The last time she let emotion control her thoughts, she had become the victim. Never again.

  Guevin jumped right into the protocol. “There will be two or three additional agents in the Hidden House before us. Most of the maneuvers are up to us, though, so we need to depend on each other.” He lifted his gaze from her shirt as he showed a glimpse of straight teeth.

  Her blood began to boil as Guevin treated her like a newcomer to the force. Good, that would take her mind off everything except the danger. “I’m aware of that, Agent Guevin.”

  “Do you wonder why we’re teamed—”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She knew. “I’m good at extracting the truth and you need to cover your partner.” Too many compliments might soften the situat

  Chapter 2

  The air of Cairo in mid-September suffocated foreign visitors. Many of the commonly found markets infused the air with tangy, musky scents, which wafted along with swirls of dust from the folds of tent awnings. From the airport, a cab that bordered on reckless careened through the crowded streets to a local hotel.

  Inside, the hotel emulated others. It only required four walls, a bathroom, and a stiff bed. Didn’t matter what country or continent you visited. All hotels appeared the same after years of visits. A scarred door separated their sleeping quarters.

  Cal threw his duffel bag onto the nightstand and proceeded to dress the part. He yanked on cotton, charcoal-colored pants and a common white top from the bag. He made his habitual oath every time he began a new assignment. Protect your partner.

  One time it hadn’t worked. He had been cleared of fault, but, damn it, that was his personal number one rule. His fingers slipped on the small buttons of his shirt as he heard a knock on the adjoining door. His last thought about this particular partner remained unfinished.

  Before he answered, the door glided open. Mary didn’t wait for a greeting, and hurriedly said, “I think we need to get something straight before we even begin to work together again.” He stopped buttoning his shirt and watched her stare flicker over his bare chest and return to his eyes. It was not possible that her thoughts were entirely on business. “I know you think I won’t be able to keep the past from affecting my work, but you’re wrong.”

  Cal waited for more. Nothing. “Can I finish getting dressed?”

  She glanced furtively back at his chest and ignored his question. “What happened, or nearly happened, last time was a mistake. I can do my job and I’ll trust you’ll do yours.” She remained in position by the door. Was she taking partial blame for getting shot? The media had blamed him. Or was she referring to the kiss? Those things happen when in close quarters for too long.

  If only it would happen again. Cal had refused a previous assignment with her because he feared his own ability to keep her safe. He hadn’t kept safe the one woman he found attractive inside and out. That had been his first mistake. The second mistake, well, funny how one kiss could change everything.

  His fingers slowly maneuvered the buttons in place. Then he spoke. “This is a high-risk assignment, especially the part you’ll be playing. The other agents will be in the vicinity, but I’m the one who will get you inside the Hidden House and be at your back.”

  “Understood. That’s the second time you informed me.” She pulled the azure scarf around her head and folded it to cover her neck. “I’ll do my part.”

  Back to business. “At the reception tonight, I’ll introduce you to Roman Chenzira. He’s the leader of the Hidden House. He’s expecting me, but not you.” Mary furrowed her brow. “You’ll need him interested in the way you look, the way you carry yourself, and your brains. Use the information you read on the flight to engage in discussion. The tricky part is that he needs to want you for the whole package, not just parts.” This time he allowed his gaze to examine the tight evening dress that covered everything but her curves. He held his tongue as his thoughts wandered.

  Mary shrugged. “How hard can that be?” She leaned against the doorjamb, letting her hip swing out to accentuate the curve of her waist. Her stare demanded an intelligent response.

  Cal squinted and took a breath before he looked into her clear brown eyes. He needed her full attention. “It won’t be hard for you. Risky, but I won’t let it go that far.” Noticing his heart race and drive the blood to his groin, he added, “We just need the name of his arms supplier. The other team will take care of the rest. Chenzira needs to want to see you again, but keep it in open spaces. Don’t let doors close you off.”

  “I know that. Then you can’t save me.” She dropped the edge of the scarf still between her slender fingers and whipped around to leave his room.

  Cal closed the space between them, grabbing her forearm. “Mary, Agent Reiss, that’s not what I meant. Sorry, I know you’re aware of your part.” She stopped, her back to him. He breathed deeply. “Where’re you hiding your gun?”

  “It’s strapped to my inner thigh. It’s high enough. No one will see it.”

  He imagined his gun between her legs. Gritting his teeth, he leaned over her shoulder and relaxed his grip. Her exotic scent of patchouli teased him as a strand of her silky, dark hair feathered his cheek. He wanted to turn her and consume her lips, her body, and feel what he had run away from too many years ago. It didn’t help that she had given him the cold shoulder. Of course, that was after she had already turned his mind into mush for her. His conscience interrupted, telling him to back off. Too close and he might not be able to protect her.

  Mary tilted her head down. “Let’s go. I’m ready.”

  * * * *

  Charcoal-black Mercedes and a few scattered Bentleys circled the entrance of the Hidden House. They left behind the decorated attendees and disappeared into the dark. The stark cement building changed upon entry. A palatial atmosphere glittered and shone with a thousand or more tiny lights from the chandeliers and sconces surrounding the circular ballroom. Sultry music, meant to relax the paranoid, floated throughout. Cal supported Mary’s elbow as he led her into the mix of underground nobility.

  If she attended this regal setting and a different class of people surrounded the room, she could imagine the man at her side as the one she’d spend the night with. She’d spend the night with Cal. He had strength of mind and definitely of body. At this thought, she felt a slight tug on her elbow.

  “You with me? Time to act. I’ll introduce you to random names. After some mingling we’ll target the host, Roman Chenzira.”

  Mary shook her head and came back to the present. “I’m here and ready.”

  An hour later and still holding her first cocktail, warmed from neglect, Cal led her to a tall man dressed in black. A sinister snicker rumbled up from the man’s protruding belly as she approached. She smoothed a nonexistent wrinkle at the waist of her gown.

  With a new accent, Cal approached his target. “Ah, Mr. Chenzira, thank you for the invitation to this grand gathering.” Darkness shot through Roman Chenzira’s eyes. “Forgive me. This is my companion, Jendayi, for the evening festivities.” Mary dipped her head at the introduction.

  The surrounding heat from the lights, the people, and the plentiful beverages must’ve worked on Chenzira as he calmed his skepticism. He slapped Guevin on the back and turned them from his other acquaintances. “Call me Roman. You are my friends. You must join me for a drink.” He waved his free hand to a passing waiter, not taking his eyes from Mary.

  She lifted her head and crafted a seductive smile. The waiter retrieved Mary’s stale drink as he passed out another round. Guevin wasted no time. “Roman, I brought your request. We’ll meet tomorrow for tea. Then I’ll pass you the code. The price is non-negotiable.”

  Chenzira swilled his drink as he looked at Cal. “You are demanding, my friend.” His eyes reverted back to Agent Reiss. “Your friend will come with you.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I would love to be in your company to experience this rich land you live in.” Cal stepped closer and nudged her arm. Ignoring the silent message, Mary added, “I’d like a tour of your city.”

  Chenzira’s gaze covered her body in an unusually long moment, considering the commonalities of the culture. “You would like a tour by me? Then I will need a tour of your mind first.”

  “We can cover that at tea tomorrow.” Cal’s voice tensed.

  “I have a better idea, friend.” Mary lowered her stare as Chenzira spoke with his mouth and eyes, as if Cal brought her to the party for his entertainment. “Miss Jendayi should spend the night at my residence.”

  She attempted to respond. “I don’t—”

  “Do not worry. I have no dishonorable intentions.” Glancing at Cal, Chenzira said, “She will stay with the women of my home.”

  Mary had read about
the structure of the upper-class palaces in Cairo. The number of beautiful women adorning the halls of the estates climbed along with the owner’s bank account. Most lived as ornaments, yet a few had pricier agendas.

  “I’d prefer she stay with me tonight.” Cal forced a laugh as Chenzira tilted his glass to his lips, eyes still riveted on Mary.

  The music, excited talk in the background, and the clink of random crystal tubs became white noise as Mary considered her options. She had no options. She needed to get as close to this man, this arrogant, thieving, and destructive man, as she could. Her only way to discover his contacts with the underground weapon buyers rested on her uncanny ability to hear that which was not meant for her ears. What better way to get in than to be invited? Her mind rapidly concocted a story.

  “Re Omar.” She called Cal by his underground name. Cal’s chest rose and fell at a fast rate, obviously ignited with apprehension. “This can be a fantastic opportunity for me, don’t you think? I mean, I could learn about Cairo’s history from this wonderful man who I’m sure can take me to the best resources. For my thesis. Remember my reason for coming here with you?”

  “You are a student?”

  Cal butted in. “She’s studying the mistakes of ancient historical governments.”

  Chenzira swiveled his gaze to Cal, paused, then began to laugh. The laugh started low and built into an unmistakable ownership of power. Chenzira made it apparent that he believed he controlled the thoughts and actions of his guests. “Then she will do well spending time with me. I will put her with the most noteworthy historians Egypt has to offer.”

  “I can handle it.” Mary briefly noted Cal’s look of concern. “It’ll be a good experience. A student never rests.” With a smile, she tipped her glass to her lips.